Classes will run from 9:00 to 11:30 am and 12:00 to 2:30 pm. We will open the doors 1 to 2 min before the start of class.
For pick-ups more than 10 minutes after dismissal, a fee of $5.00 will be imposed with an additional $5.00 for every 10 minutes after that (due with the following month’s payment).
Please use the driveway for parking when possible.
$850 for the 2 Day Class
$1050 for the 3 Day Classes, Morning and Afternoon
$1850 for the 5 Day Class
Tuition is due before the first class of the year. You may choose to pay month installments, due by the 5th of each month of the school year, September to May. If you choose to pay tuition in monthly installments, the prices are as follows:
2 Day Class - $95 a month
3 Day Class - $117 a month
5 Day Class - $206 a month
You are required to pay the full amount each month regardless of your child's planned or unplanned absences.
If you end up moving or need to end your academic year early, please give at least 2 weeks notice so your position can be filled.
Enrollment Fee: There is a $65 enrollment fee that includes a preschool t-shirt and a subscription the preschool magazine. This is due at the time of registration. Once this fee has been paid and the enrollment form turned in, I will evaluate which applications I am able to accommodate for the upcoming year. If you child’s application is not accepted, the $65 enrollment fee will be refunded. If you are officially accepted then the enrollment fee is no longer eligible to be refunded for any reason.
Payment Policy: Payments are due by the 5th day of the month. There will be a $15 late fee for late or partial payments.
Returned Checks: There will be a $25 charge for all returned checks.
Unpaid Balances: If an unpaid balance goes past 4 weeks, the balance will be turned into small claims court or a collection agency. You are responsible for all charges that occur for these services.
Health and safety
Sick Child Policy: Do NOT bring your child to preschool if he or she:
has been throwing up or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours
is running a fever
has an unexplained rash
has untreated head lice or pink-eye, etc.
is not feeling well enough to participate in our daily activities.
If your child has been prescribed medication for strep throat, pink eye, etc. he or she may return to preschool after being on medication for 24 hours if they are feeling up to it.
Bathroom: Students need to be fully potty trained by the start of preschool, and be able to handle bathroom needs on their own. I don’t change diapers/pull ups/dirty underwear and I do not go into the bathroom alone with a student. Occasional "potty accidents" do occur, and it’s no big deal. I hand the kids a sack to put their dirty clothes in and then the parent will be called to bring a new pair of clothes and help the child clean themselves up.
Special Medical Needs: The enrollment form has an area for parents to inform us of any special needs, such as allergies, disabilities, asthma, etc., so that we can accommodate students as needed.
Emergencies: In the enrollment form, you will provide us with an emergency contact and may sign a waiver for us to seek medical treatment for your child in case of emergencies. We will also have fire drills and earthquake drills. Ms. Hillary is CPR and first aide certified.
Cancellation of Class: If a teacher is sick, every effort will be made to find a substitute. We will cancel school due to weather or other concerns, especially if Davis School District does so. In the event that a class must be cancelled, notice will be given as soon as possible.
Free Play: Your child will be given supervised free play daily within the fenced backyard. In case of rain, snow, and extreme cold, an alternate inside activity will occur. Please make sure your child wears appropriate clothing, outerwear and shoes for outside play.
Field trips: We will be going on at least four field trips during the school year. Field trips will cost around $6 a child, with some free, while others are $12. Parents will transport their child to and from the field trip or may arrange to carpool. We encourage parents to stay and chaperone.
Discipline: Children thrive in loving and supportive environments. The positive is focused on and reinforced. We use "Love and Logic" to help kids have successful classroom behavior. Teaching emotional and social intelligence is one of the focuses of early education. Occasionally children are asked to go sit in our "Calm Down Corner" to take a break and receive help processing their emotions, if needed. Parents are made aware of any concerns.
Photography: We will be taking pictures of the adventures we have to use on our blog, Facebook page, website, etc.. You may opt out of signing the photography release, if desired.
Celebrations: Students will enjoy a few celebrations throughout the year including being highlighted on their birthday and a graduation at the end of the school year. We do a show and tell on most holidays.
Liability: Discovery Adventures Preschool will make every effort to keep children safe and healthy. In the enrollment form, you will sign a waiver and release of all claims.
5 Day and 3 Day Afternoon Class Overlap: In the afternoon, 12:00 to 2:30, students in the the 3 Day Afternoon and 5 Day Classes will attend. They will all (up to 12 students) be there on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The 5 Day Class will recieve an additional 2 days of classes on Mondays and Fridays where we will further deepen our learning and experiences with the weekely educational goals. The 5 Day Class enrollments will be given priority with the remaining positions open for those who wish to enroll as 3 Day Afternoon Class. So for example, if I have 6 students enroll in the 5 Day Class, then I would have 6 enroll in the 3 Day Afternoon Class. If I have 8 students for the 5 Day Class, then I would have enroll 4 additional students in the 3 Day Afternoon Class. All 12 would be there on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and there would be only the 8 5 Day Class students that also attend Monday and Friday Classes.